How Website helps small business?
Everyone’s afflicted by the pervasive COVID-19 , but we know that many small businesses are feeling particularly in peril right now. Since few months we’ve seen the web development at its best, upgraded lives, and connecting people in innovative, supportive ways. It is both a lifeline and a critical force in helping to curb the spread of the virus, providing vital public health information and helping us live virtually when communicating physically threatens human lives. In such situation the web could do so much more . There is an urgent need for a greater understanding of what roles information systems and technology researchers can play in this global pandemic.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has remarkably altered the way businesses – appropriatly small businesses – operate in 2020. Various small businesse worldwide, were forced to close their doors due to the pandemic.This is one the main reason to create a web application for their business site where customer's can easily commuincate and opt for services efficiently. Since the lockdown measures are lifted , most of the people are using digital operations from doing payment to buying groceries.The pandemic has not only raised opportunities to advance technology-based solutions but also provided a rare opportunity to study the research and practice of technology, including information management, work practices, and design and use of technologies. Web designing helps facilitating work while social distancing, contactless communication efficiently.
Development of web application for any business will run in long term even if corona pandemic ends.Still people can continue maintaining their business through their website .
Why people should opt for website designing?
- 91.2% of respondents reported an increase in demand for at least one area of website design and development services.
- Its easy to maintain all kind of operations online
- Web application security and conversation-centric features has driven demand for remote work.
- With the help of Web based applications one can dramatically lower costs due to reduced support and maintenance, lower requirements on the end user system and simplified architecture. As a result of your web based application by further streamlining your business operations additional savings can often be found.
- Complex and Larger systems carry more data and have separate data sources and systems . In web based systems these systems and processes can often be consolidated by reducing the need to have separate systems. Web based applications provide an added layer of security by removing access to the data and back end servers.
- The COVID pandemic drove many businesses to put more effort into their online presence, with web design and development proving to be one of the fastest-growing digital industries.